Ad - leaderboard

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Human finger re-growth story

So far not a hoax. In fact it's an old story, just breaking, for marketing reasons no doubt. Steve

"More than 500,000 people world-wide have had matrix-based treatments since 1999, according to Johnson & Johnson and Cook. Other potential uses are in development. No significant side effects have been linked to the treatment, Dr. Badylak says.That a single substance can be used to treat such different conditions reflects matrix's capacity to adapt to its environment. In the shoulder, for example, it promotes the formation of tendon tissue, in the lower urinary tract, the formation of bladder or urine-channel tissue, and in a diabetic ulcer, of normal skin."Gee. And not a destroyed embryo in sight." source

  1. 'Pixie dust'-helps-man-grow-new-finger
  2. Detailed product background and military trials.
  3. how stuff works: extracellular matrix
  4. details of the news story in Esquire
  5. Comments in BoingBoing
  6. Background at wikipedea : extracellular matrix Regeneration_of_human_fingers
    Then again...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Telepresence - teleconference - telework

Next teleconference (RECIT ?) I suggest:

  1. Use a smartboard or at least a multi-media projector even for one person for "embience".
  2. Have many breaks (say every 1.5 hours) thanks Ginette
  3. Use very light, one ear headsets?

Extreme telework

  1. How to commute 1300 kms every day using a "robot"
    IvanAnywhere is basically a coat rack on wheels... "I was wandering the halls at night looking for somebody to plug me in," Bowman says.

My brother Alex - published

Here is the address of the magazine where Alex's article was published. Happy reading.

Article Extract - Japanese Spirit (~350KB)

Reference to excerpts from : "The Japanese House" by Yoshida Tetsuro 1935

Monday, April 28, 2008

My retirement

Investissement à la FTQ (fonds gelés) ou CSN (fonds plus accessibles) pour les gens près ( moins de 10 ans) de la retraite! Worth while.

Invest outside canada up to $100,000 Thanks Antonio

Healthy retirement
  1. Nutrition_guidelines.html

Thursday, April 24, 2008


CDC LAURIER STUDENT CALENDAR - Direct link - Lien direct

The 10 Most Disruptive Technologies

According to

  1. DVRs + Entertainment on Demand,
  2. YouTube + Cheap Digital Cameras and Camcorders
  3. Open Source + Web Tools,
  4. MP3 + Napster,
  5. Blogs + Google Ads
  6. Cheap Storage + Portable Memory,
  7. Cloud Computing + Always-on Devices
  8. Broadband + Wireless Networks,
  9. The Web + The Graphical Browser
  10. Cell Phones + Wireless Internet Access,

Top gadgets of the last 50 years

Test your French - Tests de français

Voici le lien de la page web de l'office de la langue francaise qui propose de petits tests de francais. Merci Jill.

Convert a Picture or Scan of a document to Word

From your CAMERA:

Yes, you can convert a picture of a text to modify it using a word processor.

  1. Make sure your camera is centered and squared up.The lighting must be uniform over the page.
  2. A standard letter should fill the screen.
  3. Then convert it to TIF format (using Microsoft Picture Manager / EXPORT)Then OCR the TIF file: using Microsoft Document Imaging* / Tools / Recognize text using OCRthen Microsoft Document Imaging / Tools/ send text to word...

From your SCANNER:

  1. Go to Start/Programs then Microsoft Office / Microsoft Office Tools
    Choose the Microsoft Document Imaging software
  2. Press the Scan button
  3. Press the Convert to WORD button
  4. Enjoy

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

How to fix a dead flash drive (or USB key)

One of my flash drives suddenly died today. It all happened when XP suddenly froze for some reason. after rebooting, the device was dead - XPdetected it as a 0mb device (and attempted to format it as such - which didn’t work)
After a little research I was able to revive the drive, and heres the procedure (pretty easy):

  1. Download and install the HP Drive Key Boot Utility 
    or download here:
  2. Open the desktop icon and select the correct flash drive under device
  3. Select the file system you want to format to (FAT, FAT32, NTFS)
  4. Tick Quick Format
  5. Click start

Officially this software (HP Drive Key Boot Utility) is meant for HP disks, but unofficially it seems to work fine at formatting most flash media, even digital camera cards.

You should remove the software from your computer

  1. by going to the Control Panel
  2. Add remove programs
  3. find HP...
  4. press remove.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Vehicle of the future - eventually

In order to succeed new vehicles must improve in these key areas at the same time. The evolution of each technology is described from current to future "dream" technology. Currently, less than 1% of the energy available in a vehicle is used to move the passenger, 99% is used to move the vehicle and heat the air. Reference

  1. Energy Storage -
    Liquid fuel to lithium to Hydrogen
    Comparing the energy density of lithium ion batteries (2.4) to hydrogen (143) shows that hydrogen may be the endgame for storage in a pre-nuclear personal energy storage system. However, the overall picture may move away from Hydrogen due to inefficiencies in production and transportation.
    EEStor Ultracapacitors may soon be of interest due to their very high dielectric materials.
  2. Energy Source -
    Gasoline to Ethanol to hydrogen to 110 to 220 v from the grid at off peak hours (all night)
  3. Energy conversion -
    Carburetor to Fuel Injector to fuel cell to direct hydrogen combustion in a generator
  4. Engine -
    Piston to direct hydrogen generator hybrid
  5. Weight -
    Steel to Aluminium to Carbon fiber (reduce to 30% of current economy vehicles)
  6. Size - Tailored to needs will maximize efficiency
    One seater maximizes energy use. BugE
    Two seater for a more interesting trip.
    Place the whole thing on a bus/train for long trips.

Photo Release Form - English

Organization Name
City, Prov, Postal_code

Permission to Use Photograph

Subject: ____________________

Location: ___________________

I grant to [insert organization], its representatives and employees the right to take photographs of me and my property in connection with the above-identified subject. I authorize [insert organization], its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and/or electronically.

I agree that [insert organization] may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.

I have read and understand the above:

Signature _________________________________

Printed name ______________________________

Organization Name (if applicable) __________________________

Address __________________________________

Date _____________________________________

Signature, parent or guardian _______________________(if under age 18)

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Electric Car

Cars I would consider if available, and legal in Canada

  1. think, from Norway $20,000 top speed 100 kph, 10 h recharge, 200k autonomy.
    3 battery solutions Sodium, Lithium ion, leased!
  2. ZapCar Xebra The Xebra Roadster EV - 100 mpc.
  3. ZENN from Canada
  4. TOP TEN LIST you can buy in the USA at autobloggreen
    emerging-technologies Steam
    thoughts on the GM Volt for 2010
  5. zapworld cars trucks
  6. 2001 Bombardier NEV for sale 60kph 40km

Sites keeping up with the Green revolution


Stuff in the pipe... dream. Forget the purchase price.

  1. Solectria Sunrise* - 373 miles per charge. ('mpc') (cost - £3.50) Forget the purchase price.
    wiki Solectria_Force
  2. GM EV1 - 225 mpc.
  3. Nissan Altra EV - 120 mpc..
  4. Ford Ranger EV - 100 mpc.
  5. DaimlerChrysler Epic Minivan - 100 mpc.
    This is the electric version of Tony Blair's 'Grand' people-carrier.
  6. Tzero - 100 mpc. a Ferrari in San Francisco.
  7. Toyota Rav4 - 125 mpc. replacement battery pack $26,000 US

Book review - Introduction to Web design using Microsoft FrontPage

Glencoe Online Computer web_design
It is an excellent introduction to all facets of web design. It starts with an overview of the Internet then planning your site and eventually to execution of the plan and testing. I consider it an encyclopedia of web design since it presents an overview of many topics with occasional more in depth activities. It is not designed for Individualized instruction, since most pages assume classroom activities. Steve. Thank you Gracelyn.

ereview_self test excellent

My Real Age - 15 minute survey of your habits

By the Dr. Oz team. My age: chrono: 56 bio 53.
En Français: Quel age avez-vous réellement (15 min)? Chrono: 56 bio:47!

  1. The RealAge Test -- An overall health assessment with calculation and unlimited updates
  2. Personalized RealAge Plan -- A detailed Age Reduction plan to help you feel years younger
  3. RealAge Tip of the Day -- Daily science-based health tips on nutrition, fitness, supplements, weight loss, and more!
  4. 40+ Health Assessments -- Personalized, interactive health assessments to help you lower your risk of disease and help you manage current conditions

My results:

  1. Learn how these benefits make your RealAge younger!

    Good sleep levels
    Positive attitude
    Limited or no secondhand smoke exposure
    Parents relationship
    Medication use
    Happy marriage
    Correct fruit servings
    Healthy resting heart rate
    Potassium levels
    Folic acid intake
    Daily vitamin
    No drinking and driving
    Good genes
    Good oral hygiene
    Safety belt or airbag usage
    Low red meat intake
    Daily breakfast
    Diverse diet
    Vitamin C intake

  2. Learn how to stop most of these costs from making your RealAge older!

    Low vegetable intake
    Low unsaturated fat
    Lack of flexibility exercises
    Workout schedule
    Flossing habits
    Low grain intake
    Low omega-3 intake
    High BMI
    Driving speeds
    Vehicle size
    Aspirin use
    Blood pressure control
    Calcium intake
    Vitamin E intake
    Have cholesterol level measured
    Social network and stress
    Strength training level

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Restaurants and Community events near Laval, QC

  1. Restaurants
  2. Link to Laval Calendar of events for Today - Calendrier des activités de la ville de Laval pour aujourd'hui
  3. Courier de Laval - Fête-de-la-famille 55000 visitors in 2005!
  4. Maison des arts de Laval
  5. Route du patrimoine de Laval
    Vieux Sainte-Rose Gratuit: Mp3... circuits à télécharger exemple carte
    Prêt d'un baladeur sur présentation de la carte Avantages Laval ou d'une carte d'identité avec photo, à la bibliothèque Sylvain-Garneau (187, boul. Ste-Rose — 450 978-3940) et à la galerie d'art La Vieille Caserne (216, boul. Ste-Rose).
    Saint Vincent de Paul Coût : 10 $. Prix et réservations de +14506811611
    Plongez dans le passé du quartier Saint-Vincent-de-Paul lors d'un circuit guidé sur l'histiore de cet ancien village, en compagnie d'un guide et d'un comédien qui, par l'interprétation de personnages, se fera le témoin de l'histoire.
    Durée : 1 h 15
    Les dimanches 6 juillet, 13 juillet et 10 août à 11 h et 13 h 30 Ecomuseum 21 125 chemin Sainte-MarieSainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Qc,
  6. Samedi le 12 juillet, de 10 h à 12 h Atelier du Club d'Observateurs d'Oiseaux de Laval Représentations offertes au grand public afin de faire découvrir le monde de l'observation d'oiseaux à travers plusieurs thèmes. Activité gratuite au chalet du parc - Inscriptions requises - Consultez la programmation sous l'onglet Vie communautaire / Vie de quartier / Secteur 2 Parc des Prairies 227, boul. des Prairies (Laval-des-Rapides) Inf. : 450 662-4902
  7. Du 11 juillet au 17 août Le Village des arts 6 fins de semaine de spectacles gratuits Centre de la nature 901, Av. du Parc (St-Vincent-de-Paul) Inf. : 450 662-4942
  8. Jusqu'au 17 août, de 18 h à 20 h Pétanque Cours de pétanque pour les jeunes de 10 à 17 ans À partir du 4 juin. Inscriptions sur place Parc Ringuet 4749, boul. Arthur-Sauvé (Laval-Ouest) Inf. : 450 978-8904 Organisme: LES ACTIFS DE LAVAL-OUEST
  9. Jusqu'au 29 août Parc des Prairies Découvrez la programmation estivale Parc des Prairies 5, Av. du Crochet (Laval-des-Rapides) Inf. : 450 662-4902
  10. carte/ calendrier des évennements
  11. Visiting the BMO Dream home
  12. Libraries in Laval search catalog. Bibliothèques à Laval. Recherche du catalogue


  1. use the website
    Google interfaith calendar was wrong in 2009
  2. calendar login to view your personal calendars

Thursday, April 17, 2008


  1. couchsurfing

Accounting software listing

  1. Comparison_of_accounting_software
  2. Simply Accounting manual : Champlain college french
  3. Acomba website training forum
    Sage Accpac Brochure
    Sage Accpac Brochure (fr.)

Related resources

  1. Choosing accounting software for NFPOs

Spanish study - Silly dictionnary

  1. Enjerigonzador Traducir Español-Jerigonza

Movie - Di que Si - 2004

I had fun with this movie. Of course, I could not always keep up with the dialog.

  1. Bad review
  2. good review


  1. Si lo eres / no lo soy
  2. Queno puedo mas
  3. No suede pasar deste linea
  4. nos vamos a casar
  5. ¡Se busca!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cool inventions & ideas


  1. Daily Planet : April. 14, 2008 : Chasing The Sun - ROTATING HOUSE
  2. Daily Planet : April. 14, 2008 : Are Parachutes the New Engines? SKY SAILS ON SHIPS

Uno electric unicycle

  1. Daily Planet April 15, 2008
  4. thanks Jacques
  5. thanks Jacques

Non gyro models:

  1. Video
  2. The competition: a pretty VR of Embrio unicycle
  3. Gas version: monociclos_agusta_monowheel, hardly

Pathways to adult education - Options pour poursuivre sa formation en éducation aux adultes

Orientation. Comment choisir la prochaine étape. (merci Jacques)
  1. Triage, quel programme s'adapte à mes besoins? SEL
    liste des organismes aidant à l'intégration au travail
  2. Rencontrer un agent d'emploi Québec. CLE
  3. Visiter un centre SARCA
  4. Immigration et communautéculturelle du Québec - Laval
Formation Inforoute - La formation professionnelleet technique au Québec
  1. Françisation.
    Centres de formation: CDC Laurier, Commission scolaire de Laval, Collège Montmorency.
  2. Niveau secondaire
    Centres de formation: CDC Laurier Commission scolaire de Laval Collège Montmorency
    Financement: prêts et bourses Canada
    Simulateur de calcul de prêts et bourses 2007-2008
  3. les cours ou programmes de formation
Assistance à l'Emploi
  1. aide.htm subvention à l'employeur qui vous embauche
  2. Supplément de 500$ pour les vêtements au retour au travail. Formulaire
  3. Supplément de revenu à l'employé pour la première année Programme PACTE, Brochure Pacte.
  4. Subventions salariales
Employment Insurance
  1. training definition

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Office 2007 advanced study guides

  1. TechNet Virtual Labs: 2007 Microsoft Office System
  2. Overview of virtual labs 2007
  4. TechNet trial software for technicians (server software, etc.)
  5. Skills assesment Office 2007, Office 2003 etc.
  6. Certification path

Practice technician exams (registration of email required and testprep software will install)

  1. 70-620 TS: Configuring Microsoft Windows Vista Client
    Download it!
  2. 70-622-demo Microsoft desktop support - Enterprise
  3. 70-624 TS: Deploying and Maintaining Vista Client and Office System 2007 Desktops
    Download it!

Bike racks

Custom design bike racks

  1. very cool designs
  3. with plans
Off the shelf racks
  1. 6 bike allen Rack $99 same for $39.00 ebay folding.
  2. 8 bike rack $125 lespac cowansville Richard.

On the cheap, use what you have :

  1. Just a post in a concrete base to tie your bike

Online access to personal file Storage - Finally: File sharing!

  1. It works :
    Just install the software and share a folder.
    Then access it from anywhere, invite your friends. Thanks Ron.
  2. This system allows anyone to create their own "Remote backup service" for FREE
  3. is about the same using "" to login


  1. So far Foldershare isn't too good to be true, it works. But synchronisation is still dangerous. Delete here, it deletes at the other end at the same time. But that's not MS's fault, "being human" is the problem. Versioning remains an important concept.
    Missing elements:
    2-Versioning (Redlining strikethrough)
    3-Drive Mapping
    4-Access to Network drives (I see my USB but cannot get at files) per Ron.
  2. I like versioning ...BETTER !
    ifolder keeps a version and all deletes redlined with a strikethrough !
    Yes that is good old Novell per Ron.
    I do remember reading somewhere that there is a trash file for foldershare
    Perhaps we can do something with this by grabbing the instance and Archiving it.
    ie...Autobackup the trash !

Remote backup service (for fee)

  1. wiki overview
  2. offsite protection
  3. Have a look here to buy such services
  4. _article 9

Monday, April 14, 2008

Conference on Understanding Terror Networks by Marc Sageman

The book at Amazon: Understanding-Terror-Networks-Marc-Sageman
To view a version of the conference youtube

This conference describes his findings after sampling 400 Al-Quaïda militants from the Middle East, South East Asia, Africa and Europe. He describes this sample and adresses these myths :

  1. Myth: They join young, average age at induction 26 years
  2. Myth: Uneducated, over half were college educated, mostly in engineering

He also proposes a typical path to radicalization:

They start as groups of young friends that share community, activity, etc. Eventualy one or more become radicalized through some personal event. The rest follow him through frequent contact at the mosque. Typically the Imam will report the extreme group to local authorities (who generally ignore him). Eventually they become more and more extreme in their behaviour. Insisting on complete covering of their wives, etc. If they gain access to explosives or some other means of terrorism, they immediately begin selecting an easy target and preparations. Once they pay off their bills. When they begin to adopt western looks, they are about to act (within days).

  1. The groups are locally led and funded
  2. The attacks are opportunistic not strategic
  3. The groups are led through friendship and kindship association
  4. The groups are typically diaspora
  5. They form in about 20 mosques around the world

Une conférence offerte par Marc Sageman, ancien agent de la CIA, psychiatre et auteur de Understanding Terror Networks (Comprendre les réseaux terroristes), qui nous livre ses observations sur un échantillon de militants d'Al-Quaïda issus du Moyen-Orient, d'Asie du Sud-Est, d'Afrique du Nord et d'Europe.

  1. original broadcast
  2. to view current broadcast on this channel

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Education online

Modern education being generally less didactic and more collaborative, with teamwork emphases on just about everything including research and even test-taking, traditional classwork increasingly is being conducted online — lectures, research, discussion, debate, team projects, consultation with the "teacher", even the "tests" —
traditional education — traditional schools employ "massively distributed collaboration" in their courses, establishing class wikis and blogs and email bulletin boards, and offering syllabi to the :

  1. general public and soliciting input. Overview

    example: MIT Open Courseware
    Sample of how Open Courseware videos get transcribed for MIT, by volunteers:
    OOPS list of courses volunteering courses
    Preparing to teach high school math Self test (part of California Subject Examination for Teachers)
    High school topics on line

    CORE OCW (China)
    FETP OCW (Vietnam)
    Japan OCW Alliance
    Johns Hopkins OCW
    OOPS OCW (Taiwan)
    Tufts OCWUC
    Irvine OCW

    Universia OCW (Spanish/Portuguese)
    Utah State OCW

    NASA Connect
    WGBH Open Vault
    eGranary Project
    One Laptop Per Child∞ - the $100 laptop - more here

    Top 10 Rankings_for_Business_Administration_OpenCourseWare_Education the Canadian perspective audio conference and comments Toward Open Education
  2. distance education — very old and established correspondence schools now are switching en masse to online, and many new such schools are emerging
    example: The Open University
    example: The University of Phoenix
  3. continuing education / career retraining — in the outsourcing and offshoring Globalization changes, career retraining has taken on a critical significance, much of it using "massively distributed collaboration" online
    example: UC Berkeley Extension
  4. lifelong learning — the current era is spawning ageing population demographic bulges, in Europe and the US and Japan and anywhere which hosted a postwar BabyBoom, now moving into its 60s — reaching such people with lifelong learning offerings increasingly uses "massively distributed collaboration" in instruction techniques
    example: (shutdown) AllLearn — Oxford & Yale & Stanford

source wikipedia


  1. Learning electric videos for software study
    Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Publisher Microsoft FrontPage Microsoft Access HTML Basics
  2. HP courses by email
  3. Spanish Gramaclicando click on exercises &
  4. French online workbook
  5. excel 2002

Online education portal sources

Our resources: RECIT WIKI AskAway
google adult education resources for teachers
cssmi queensu resources beginning-teachers
lesson plans and other countless resources

Movie - Bajo el cielo Andaluz

A fine old 1959 movie, shows Spain, Andalucia and a Seville city tour. It has enough songs to be called a musical but still has a story. Sadly, I understood little of the banter.

ES. Bantante buenas canciones para ser musico.

  1. Synopsis ES Yahoo ES

Vocabulario mio

  1. Callause = quiet (2 persona plural) ?
  2. acaba ya! = finish it now
  3. despide me = dismiss me (leaving)
  4. una visita encantadora de Sevilla = Nice city tour of Sevilla
  5. que casualidad = what an stroke of luck
  6. Bacalao = cod
  7. Que alegria de verla! = What a joy to see you
  8. Que se agradó = How pleasant
  9. Sabes de antemano que ... = you know beforehand that...
  10. Socoro auxilio! = help - aid
  11. Lo gusto es mio = my pleasure
  12. Anoche ha tenido un gran exito = she had a great success last evening
  13. Calma senores calma = Easy boys easy
  14. le voy a usted a llamar una cosa = let me tell you something
  15. ya esta llegando = here she comes

Real Estate - Lake Chapala

  1. Lake Chapala listings mls
  2. Virtual Mex location & listing
  3. Vita living listings merci Cecile

Trip to Spain - Las Alpujarras

  1. The name Las Alpujarras is derived from Al-Busherat, the arab word for 'pradera' or grasslands. source
    El nombre de Las Alpujarras derivado Al-Busherat, al arabe por 'pradera'.
    pradera f FR: prairie ƒ fuente
  2. Famous jamon iHam parody video
  3. Alpujarra Granada - Atalbeitar pop 40 look around town video

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Links to more obscure automatic translators and dictionnaries

  1. Polish - English Poltran
  2. Vietnamese English - French - Russian - Chinese vDict
  3. arabic Ajeeb ; Systran
  4. more...

Automatic translators

  1. demonstrators

Friday, April 11, 2008

In which direction is the bus traveling?

Pre-school children were asked the following question:

"In which direction is the bus pictured below traveling?"

Look carefully at the picture. Do you know the answer? The only possible answers are "left" or "right."

Think about it- Still don't know? The pre-schoolers all answered, "left." When asked, "Why?" they answered: "Because you can't see the door."

sync Outlook with Google Calendar

Here's how you can sync Outlook with Google Calendar automatically:

  1. First download Google Calendar Sync and install it.
  2. After installation is complete, enter your Google Apps account id and password. Choose whether you want 2-way sync, Outlook to Google only, or Google to Outlook only. Also enter the frequency in minutes of how often you want to synchronize your calendars.
  3. Once you're finished, Google Calendar Sync automatically starts combining the two calendars (which took roughly 10 minutes for 400 items in my test). Your Smart phone settings will then automatically sync with Outlook to grab any Google Calendar items.

detailed info

The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It

  1. The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It. Question posed by Oxford University Professor Jonathan Zittrain in his new book.
  2. Zittrain argues that if the cybersecurity situation doesn't improve, we will migrate to a different kind of Internet. The new Internet will have as its endpoints tethered appliances such as iPhones, which are controlled by their manufacturers, instead of open, changeable PCs attached to an open network that can foster the next round of disruptive innovation.

Italian courses

  1. general list of courses
  2. google's top pick this link changes depending on google's "I'm feeling lucky" button
  3. wordchamp verbs

In Montreal:


Please comment with your preferences. Thanks. Steve

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oprah Winfrey presents "A New Earth"

The introduction to the video is top knotch, the author's presentation of his motivation for writing hypnotic. His ideas mystic but accessible. The set clean, ethereal.
Archive page Video online Online help

Chapter 1 High Medium Low
Chapter 2 High Medium Low
Chapter 3 High Medium Low
Chapter 4 High Medium Low
Chapter 5 High Medium Low
Chapter 6 High Medium Low
Chapter 7 High Medium Low
Chapter 8 High Medium Low

So far, this is well worth the time.
I like "being present in the now" it works for me. Unlike meditation, it leaves me "more attentive and involved" rather than isolated.
  1. A lot of Gangaji videos can be found online on

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Windows vocabulary list in 9 languages

  1. English
    Traditional Chinese

True cognates

  1. Need a list of words of similar or identical meanings in both english and french?
    Naming something for bilingual markets?
    Great for creating acronyms. bl-vraisamis.htm

Acronym finder

  1. over 1/2 million definitions

Where is technology headed?

  1. Fire & motion Google attacks! Microsoft on the defensive.

Monday, April 07, 2008


101 Fantastic Freebies
Whether you're partial to online services or to downloadable software, here's the Web's best free stuff and it'll keep you productive, secure, and entertained.
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Making small business taxes easy: Canada's Ufile and QuickTax Compared
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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Cabanes à sucre de la région

pps TempsDesSucres


  1. Petite, conviviale selon Nicolas.
    Erablière Jean Labelle Inc - 450-472-5010
    755, rue Dubois , St-Eustache , QC J7P 3W1
  2. Selon Jaime
    Cabane A Sucre Chalet des Erables - 450-478-0822
    Route 335 , Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines , QC J0N 1H0
  3. Villa du sirop * selon Jean-Pierre
    Cabane à Sucre La Villa du Sirop - 450-473-3840
    1050 Bd Arthur Sauvé , St-Eustache , QC J7R 4K3
  4. Trop gros, nourriture pas très bonne selon Jacques.
    Cabane A Sucre Constantin - 450-473-2374
    1054 Bd Arthur Sauvé , St-Eustache , QC J7R 4K3
  5. Conviviale bonne nourriture selon Jacques. Visité la semaine dernière
    Cabane A Sucre Lalande - 450-473-3357
    862, Montée Laurin , St-Eustache , QC J7R 4K3
  6. Bon selon Gemma
    Cabane À Sucre Chalet Du Ruisseau - 450-258-3176
    12570, rang La Fresnière , Mirabel , QC J7N 2R9
Cabane A Sucre Chalet des Erables - 450-478-0822
Route 335 , Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines , QC J0N 1H0
Category : Maple Sugar Camps Display Ad Save Share Add to Facebook

Cabane à Sucre Constantin Grégoire - 450-839-2305
184 Rg des Continuations , St-Esprit , QC J0K 2L0
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane A Sucre Lalande - 450-473-3357
862, Montée Laurin , St-Eustache , QC J7R 4K3
Category : Maple Sugar Camps, Halls & Auditoriums
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Cabane à Sucre Domaine Magaline - 450-258-4132
7091, Montée Villeneuve , Mirabel , QC J7N 2H1
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane à Sucre Dupuis - 1-8...
1705 Rg des Continuations, St-Jacques
Category : Maple Sugar Camps Display Ad Save Share Add to Facebook

Cabane A Sucre Constantin - 450-473-2374
1054 Bd Arthur Sauvé , St-Eustache , QC J7R 4K3
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Erablière Aux 2 Pierrots SENC - 450-228-2253
877, chemin d'Entrelacs d' RR 1 , Entrelacs , QC J0T 2E0
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane à Sucre Duquette Bernard - 1-8...
440 Rg Montcalm Ste-Julienne
Category : Maple Sugar Camps Save Share Add to Facebook

Cabane A Sucre Nantel - 1-8...
312, chemin du Lac-Bertrand , Saint-Hippolyte , QC J8A 1C4
Category : Maple Sugar Camps Save Share Add to Facebook

A La Sucrerie Du Mont Bleu - 450-258-4405
7792, rang La Fresnière , Mirabel , QC J7N 2R9
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane A Sucre Lavallée - 450-258-3759
8780, rang Saint-Vincent , Mirabel , QC J7N 2T6
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane A Sucre Bouvrette - 450-438-4659
1000, rue Nobel , Saint-Jérôme , QC J7Z 7A3
Category : Maple Sugar Camps, Halls & Auditoriums
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Cabane À Sucre Chalet Du Ruisseau - 450-258-3176
12570, rang La Fresnière , Mirabel , QC J7N 2R9
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane à Sucre Duquette Bernard - 450-831-2472
440, rang Montcalm RR 1 , Sainte-Julienne , QC J0K 2T0
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane à Sucre La Villa du Sirop - 450-473-3840
1050 Bd Arthur Sauvé , St-Eustache , QC J7R 4K3
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Erablière Jean Labelle Inc - 450-472-5010
755, rue Dubois , St-Eustache , QC J7P 3W1
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Sucrerie du Mont St-Hilaire (La) - 1-8...
1701, chemin des Carrières RR 2 , Sainte-Madeleine , QC J0H 1S0
Category : Maple Sugar Camps Save Share Add to Facebook

Cabane A Sucre Lefebvre - 450-258-3508
10080, rang La Fresnière , Mirabel , QC J7N 2R9
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane A Sucre Les Femmes Collin - 450-839-6105
248 Rg des Continuations , St-Esprit , QC J0K 2L0
Category : Maple Sugar Camps, Halls & Auditoriums
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Au Gré des Saisons - 450-479-1010
288 Rg Ste Germaine , Oka , QC J0N 1E0
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane A Sucre Au Milieu Des Champs - 450-258-2635
7000, rang Saint-Vincent , Mirabel , QC J7N 2T6
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane A Sucre Bertrand - 450-475-8557
9500, cote des Anges , Mirabel , QC J7N 2W2
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane A Sucre Famille Ethier - 450-258-3807
7940, rang Saint-Vincent , Mirabel , QC J7N 2T6
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane à Sucre La Petite Cabane de la Côte - 450-258-2467
5885 Rte Arthur Sauvé , Ste Schol Mirabel , QC J7N 2W4
Category : Maple Sugar Camps Save Share Add to Facebook

Cabane à Sucre La Petite Cabane de la Côte - 514-990-2708
5855 boul. Arthur Sauvé , Mirabel , QC J7N 2W4
Category : Maple Sugar Camps Save Share Add to Facebook

Cabane à Sucre Normand Lafortune Enr - 1-8...
70 Ricard St-Alexis-de-Montcalm
Category : Maple Sugar Camps Save Share Add to Facebook

Cabane à Sucre Rosaire Gagnon - 450-478-2090
270 1 av , Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines , QC J0N 1H0
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Cabane A Sucre Suzanne/Rolland Roberge - 450-835-2410
2915 ch des Cascades QC
Category : Maple Sugar Camps
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Fun with Google API - base

  1. Sitivi base
  2. demo

Fun with Google API - XML HTML samples

  1. introduction (video 47 min)
  2. RSS feed query
  3. Blogger posts in 2007

Fun with Google API - samples


  1. Timeline of religions useful presentation
  2. Timeline of Dinosaurs
  3. Timeline of Dinosaurs 2 very pretty

Fun with the Google API - AJAX

  1. Ajax toolkit Video
  2. WaveMaker Visual Ajax Studio 3.2WaveMaker Visual Ajax Studio is a WYSIWYG builder that enables the drag and drop assembly of scalable, web-applications using Ajax widgets, Web services and databases. License: FreeRequirements: Windows XP/Vista
    Download Now

About China

  1. Brief Chinese chronology
  2. History of the political divisions of China
  3. Tributaries_of_Imperial_China
  4. List_of_historical_capitals_of_China

The chinese market:

  1. 2007 Why Winning the wallets ... China ...may be harder than You Think
  2. SR_Emerging_Markets_TY
  3. HBR_Feb_08Advertorial.pdf
  4. presentation about high performance

Quebec Natural Gas - Le gaz québécois

  1. Nouvelles confirmées
  2. Protection
  3. 40G$ etc.

Jacques Attali future - worth reading


  2. per Hermann

Grics website

  1. Website
  2. Produits
  3. brochure
  4. BIM en ligne

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Life poetry

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
John Lennon, "Beautiful Boy"English singer & songwriter (1940 - 1980)
merci Hermann

  1. worth the read
  2. self_evaluation.html
  3. audio...
  4. From Garry Kasparov's "la vie est une partie d'échecs" video
  5. strategy without tactic is the longest path to success, tactic without strategy leads nowhere
  6. planning without doing is just a waste of time.
    "Planifier sans agir est futile, agir sans planifier est fatal."
  7. nous avons besoin de nos stratégies pour rester sur la trajectoire.
  8. Move into your discomfort zone.
  9. The Cracked Pot, we all have something to contribute.

History of computing

A history of computer operating systems I studied with release dates.

  1. Windows 7 - 2010 - scheduled release
  2. Windows Server 2008 - February 27, 2008
  3. Windows Vista - November 30, 2006
  4. Windows XP - October 2001 - xp lite extended to 2010? windows news.blogs
  5. Windows 2000 - February 2000
  6. Windows Me - September 2000
  7. Windows 98 - June 25, 1998,
  8. Windows NT 4.0 -July 29, 1996 info
  9. Windows 95 - August 24 1995 -
  10. Windows NT 3.1 - June 1992
  11. Windows 3.0 - May 22, 1990 Introduction to Microsoft Windows and it's History
  12. OS/2 1.0 -April 1987
  13. Mac OS - 1984
  14. Apple Lisa - 1983
  15. MS-DOS & PC-DOS- 1981 - 2000
  16. CP/M or GEOS -1977
  17. Apple DOS - June 1978
  18. IBM DOS/360 - 1970

Timeline of computing 1990–present
History of computing devices 500 BC-1979

History of Spreadsheets

  1. Excel 2007 (included in Office 2007) - 2007
  2. Excel 2003 (included in Office 2003) - 2003
  3. Excel 2002 (included in Office XP) - 2001
  4. Excel 2000 (included in Office 2000) - 1999
  5. Excel 97 (included in Office 97) - 1997
  6. Excel 95 (included in Office 95) - 1995
  7. Excel 5.0 - December 14, 1993
  8. Excel 4.0 - April 1, 1992
  9. Excel 3.0 - September 12, 1990
  10. Excel 2.0 - October 31, 1987
  11. Excel 1.0 - 1985-1988 - XLS
  12. Lotus 123 - 1983 - WK1 WK3 WK4
  13. Visicalc - 1979-1985
  14. Multiplan - 1982
History of word processors

  1. Word 2008
  2. Word 2007
  3. Word 2004
  4. Word 2003
  5. Word 2002/XP
  6. Word 2001/Word X
  7. Word 2000
  8. Word 98
  9. Word 97
  10. Word 1990 to 1995
  11. Word 1981 to 1989
  12. Word Perfect
  13. XyWrite
  14. Wordstar - 1978

"A generation which ignores history has no past and no future".
Sci-Fi writer Robert A. Heinlein

Friday, April 04, 2008

Estate Sale

  1. Merrow serger at $200. CAD
    Compare with other Merrow sergers at $1200. at $300

Andres Lopez

Canada tour 2008 - Montreal: Agosto 17 2008, Toronto: Agosto 16


History of weather records made to fit politics?

  1. Compare the 1994 record to the 2004 record. Identical text, different graph. Where is the medieval warm period between about AD1100 and 1300 where vines grew in Yorkshire? WHere is the ‘Little Ice Age’ between about AD1400 and 1850, during which freezing of the Thames in winter was not uncommon?
    From: "Global Warming: The Complete Briefing"
    Has history been rewritten or has the chart truly been "corrected" to it's current "hockey stick pattern"?
  2. The snow was up to my balcony all winter (1 m), this morning I can see the top 3 steps. Yay!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Blogger terms of service

Your Intellectual Property Rights.

Google claims no ownership or control over any Content submitted, posted or displayed by you on or through Google services. You or a third party licensor, as appropriate, retain all patent, trademark and copyright to any Content you submit, post or display on or through Google services and you are responsible for protecting those rights, as appropriate.

By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through Google services which are intended to be available to the members of the public, you grant Google a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce, publish and distribute such Content on Google services for the purpose of displaying and distributing Google services.

Multilingual Links to Laval and Quebec

  1. Government of Canada EN FR ES
  2. Government of Quebec EN FR ES
  3. City of Laval EN FR ES

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Microsoft Project Trial

  1. I just came across this MS Project trial. It is probably only good for 30 days, but this might give you a chance to familiarize yourself with the software. The trials often include tutorials and demos. If you have time, you can try it in class.

Historical background to 10 commandments

  1. First_Council_of_Nicaea set many credo
  5. Ten_Commandments Thou shall not kill, murder, unjustly...
    Comparing the Catholic, Judaic, Islamic versions is of interest.

point for discussion