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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Education online

Modern education being generally less didactic and more collaborative, with teamwork emphases on just about everything including research and even test-taking, traditional classwork increasingly is being conducted online — lectures, research, discussion, debate, team projects, consultation with the "teacher", even the "tests" —
traditional education — traditional schools employ "massively distributed collaboration" in their courses, establishing class wikis and blogs and email bulletin boards, and offering syllabi to the :

  1. general public and soliciting input. Overview

    example: MIT Open Courseware
    Sample of how Open Courseware videos get transcribed for MIT, by volunteers:
    OOPS list of courses volunteering courses
    Preparing to teach high school math Self test (part of California Subject Examination for Teachers)
    High school topics on line

    CORE OCW (China)
    FETP OCW (Vietnam)
    Japan OCW Alliance
    Johns Hopkins OCW
    OOPS OCW (Taiwan)
    Tufts OCWUC
    Irvine OCW

    Universia OCW (Spanish/Portuguese)
    Utah State OCW

    NASA Connect
    WGBH Open Vault
    eGranary Project
    One Laptop Per Child∞ - the $100 laptop - more here

    Top 10 Rankings_for_Business_Administration_OpenCourseWare_Education the Canadian perspective audio conference and comments Toward Open Education
  2. distance education — very old and established correspondence schools now are switching en masse to online, and many new such schools are emerging
    example: The Open University
    example: The University of Phoenix
  3. continuing education / career retraining — in the outsourcing and offshoring Globalization changes, career retraining has taken on a critical significance, much of it using "massively distributed collaboration" online
    example: UC Berkeley Extension
  4. lifelong learning — the current era is spawning ageing population demographic bulges, in Europe and the US and Japan and anywhere which hosted a postwar BabyBoom, now moving into its 60s — reaching such people with lifelong learning offerings increasingly uses "massively distributed collaboration" in instruction techniques
    example: (shutdown) AllLearn — Oxford & Yale & Stanford

source wikipedia


  1. Learning electric videos for software study
    Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Publisher Microsoft FrontPage Microsoft Access HTML Basics
  2. HP courses by email
  3. Spanish Gramaclicando click on exercises &
  4. French online workbook
  5. excel 2002

Online education portal sources

Our resources: RECIT WIKI AskAway
google adult education resources for teachers
cssmi queensu resources beginning-teachers
lesson plans and other countless resources