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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Movie - Bajo el cielo Andaluz

A fine old 1959 movie, shows Spain, Andalucia and a Seville city tour. It has enough songs to be called a musical but still has a story. Sadly, I understood little of the banter.

ES. Bantante buenas canciones para ser musico.

  1. Synopsis ES Yahoo ES

Vocabulario mio

  1. Callause = quiet (2 persona plural) ?
  2. acaba ya! = finish it now
  3. despide me = dismiss me (leaving)
  4. una visita encantadora de Sevilla = Nice city tour of Sevilla
  5. que casualidad = what an stroke of luck
  6. Bacalao = cod
  7. Que alegria de verla! = What a joy to see you
  8. Que se agradó = How pleasant
  9. Sabes de antemano que ... = you know beforehand that...
  10. Socoro auxilio! = help - aid
  11. Lo gusto es mio = my pleasure
  12. Anoche ha tenido un gran exito = she had a great success last evening
  13. Calma senores calma = Easy boys easy
  14. le voy a usted a llamar una cosa = let me tell you something
  15. ya esta llegando = here she comes