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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Human finger re-growth story

So far not a hoax. In fact it's an old story, just breaking, for marketing reasons no doubt. Steve

"More than 500,000 people world-wide have had matrix-based treatments since 1999, according to Johnson & Johnson and Cook. Other potential uses are in development. No significant side effects have been linked to the treatment, Dr. Badylak says.That a single substance can be used to treat such different conditions reflects matrix's capacity to adapt to its environment. In the shoulder, for example, it promotes the formation of tendon tissue, in the lower urinary tract, the formation of bladder or urine-channel tissue, and in a diabetic ulcer, of normal skin."Gee. And not a destroyed embryo in sight." source

  1. 'Pixie dust'-helps-man-grow-new-finger
  2. Detailed product background and military trials.
  3. how stuff works: extracellular matrix
  4. details of the news story in Esquire
  5. Comments in BoingBoing
  6. Background at wikipedea : extracellular matrix Regeneration_of_human_fingers
    Then again...