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Thursday, October 03, 2013

How to cancel your USherbrooke Automatic Dental Coverage before Oct 15.

These links are for teachers studying BEP at Sherbrooke University. I wandered through a forest of accronyms and ended up here. They aren't big on links to cancel the automatic insurance plans (go figure) so I deciced to publish them here.

I went to this link, and set everything to zero (eg: both Santé and Dentaire sections). Then I set it to one year because I might reconsider when I retire. 

Follow up: You should receive your credit by mid december otherwise call or write here:

  •  Le montant ci-dessus sera crédité à votre compte universitaire. Si au milieu du mois de décembre votre compte n'a pas été ajusté, veuillez nous contacter à ou au (514) 789-8755 / sans frais au 1 877 795-4424.
You can check your profile at this page to confirm your account is reset to zero here:
