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Monday, August 05, 2013

Went to Upper Canada Village, Ontario

Just go.

I haven't been to Ontario for a few years; in fact I went to Upper Canada Village twenty years ago, but have no memory of it. Regardless, based on the pictures they show since their opening in 1961 it has changed a great deal.

List of my favourite things to do at Upper Canada Village
  1. Ride the wagon from the front of the Tavern at 10:30
  2. Have lunch in the Willard's Hotel or picnic in the shade by the Harvest Barn. 13:00
  3. Buy a cool drink or ice cream in the Harvest Barn. 15:00
  4. Ride the Tow Scow from behind the Tavern. 16:00 
The best stories were to be found here: 
  1. Shoemaker - No right or left.
  2. Tinsmith - Look at the boxes for cash and candles.
  3. Broom maker - Check out the Sorghum (looks like corn) by the door.
  4. Sawmill - Ask for the story of how they build a sawmill in three days.
  5. Woolen Factory - Check out the power system. 
  6. Drag Saw - The horse likes the shade and gets a break after lunch. 
  7. Tenant Farm - The oxen and cart was the highlight. The economics of tenant farm life are interesting. 
  8. Louche Farm - It is all there, animals, gardens, a working farm.
  9. Printing Office - All about fonts and printing, so interesting. 
  10. Christ Church - The box pews and alter are unusual. The austere decor  as popular in 1866, but gave way to more ornate decors twenty years later.