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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Unpunished “senior abuse” in Laval land swindle.

"Business as usual" in municipal politics. 

A farmer dreams of the day when he will sell his farm  and retire in style. But the mayor and his cronies dream of buying the farm at a discount and living in style.
  1. To get him to sell,  the city of Laval raises his taxes from $5,000 to $35,000 in one year.
  2. Then the mayor's brother approaches the despondent farmer with a low ball offer to "take the farm off his hands".
  3. The rezoning occurs and the real profits start.

Duchesneau denounced what happened to retired Laval farmer Yvon Vanier, 72, as a form of “senior abuse,” but said his case is not isolated....
  • “It is repugnant, it enrages me,” Duchesneau, a former police chief and crime-collusion fighter, said in an interview with The Gazette. “People are being abused.” Former Laval mayoral candidate Daniel Lefebvre, a longtime critic of Vaillancourt, said: “It’s sad for the farmer to be swindled like that.”...

What can DIRA do in such huge senior abuse cases?