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Monday, July 22, 2013

Vaporetto tips on getting around Venice

I love riding the Vaporetto in Venice. But during July they are crowded and hot. So after riding all of route 1, my enthusiasm started to wane and I looked for shortcuts. Here is a large Vaporetto map and a few tips:
  • My personal favourite first ride is to board at P.le Roma (where the buses stop) and take route number 2 to S. Giorgio to visit the Church San Giorgio Maggiore and ride the elevator up the bell tower (6 euro) then on to Piazza San Marco. The views are great, the air is fresh and the ride less crowded than route 1. 
  • If you go to Murano, use express route 3 from P.le Roma you will save about  a dozen stops over route 4.1. Route 3 takes you to Murano stop Colonna where you can get off, but it then goes around the island to all stops in Murano eventually circles back to Colonna. 
  • If you are leaving Murano, catch the number 3 at Faro or any other stop before Colonna, that way you will have a nice seat before the crowd gets on the last Murano stop Colonna.
  • Murano fans can also walk to Fondamente Nove and you are in Murano with only one stop at the cemetery island on the way.
  • Buy a 24 hour, 48 hour ticket here are the details from Rick Steves'
  • The best spot is at the front if there is a space, otherwise go down below to the back. 
Links about Venice: