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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Open letter to help Hydro-Québec gain acceptance of the smartmeter.

I think convincing people that smart meters are safe is the WRONG way to gain acceptance.

I think you need to make them more useful to the homeowner. Instead of showing the benefits to Hydro, show the benefits to me.  Would I stop using my microwave, mobile phone, computer, radio, because of the radiation? Of course not, they are too useful to me. But radiation that benefits only Hydro-Quebec is a non-starter!

How about a smart phone app to read the new meter and display my CURRENT consumption both in KWH and COST PER HOUR or something I can use, in REAL-TIME.


I don't want to go outside to read it, I want to read my meter in my kitchen :

- on the hydro-quebec website customer space

- on my smart phone
(android in my case)  
here is the iphone version:

- on a small wireless display I can read in the kitchen, much like the temperature outside. ( I would buy that).

- email alert when consumption goes over a threshold

I want to reduce my power consumption and turn off all those idle machines in my house when I don't need them (leaving on a trip?). There is so much stuff plugged in that I can't tell any more.



P.S.: I am very happy with the idea of smart meters coming to my home. Give me access to the data I produce in real-time.