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Sunday, January 09, 2011

Alternate-day Fasting or calorie restriction

Fasting for a full day is much easier for me than grazing or spending every day fighting the calorie meter. It seems once I forget about food, I can easily go for an entire day till the next morning where I eat normally for the day. I have tried this about once per month, but lately, since it is the holiday season, I've gone to one day per week. It has been a success in my books.

The research seems to back me up here, in fact it seems it is just healthy to forget about food for a day now and then. Steve.

Alternate day calorie restriction improves clinica... [Free Radic Biol Med. 2007] - PubMed result
Compliance with the ADCR diet was high, symptoms and pulmonary function improved, and oxidative stress and inflammation declined in response to the dietary intervention. These findings demonstrate rapid and sustained beneficial effects of ADCR on the underlying disease process in subjects with asthma, suggesting a novel approach for therapeutic intervention in this disorder.

Alternate-day calorie restriction may prolong lifespan[46] and attenuate diseases associated with inflammation, oxidative stress and aging.[47]
Fasting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It may be good for you.
Mice live longer fasting; How about humans?
On-off fasting helps obese adults shed pounds | Reuters
While Varady and her team had thought people might overeat on their non-fasting day in order to compensate, this turned out not to be true; people typically ate between 100 percent or 125 percent of their calorie needs on their all-you-can eat days.
"I think it's probably because their stomachs kind of shrunk," she said.
Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism — Am J Clin Nutr
This result contrasts with the results of studies using liquid-based, very-low-energy diets where hunger diminishes despite a marked energy deficit.