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Monday, October 18, 2010

Ken Follett Interview

This article about writing is a lovely window into the mind of the author of Fall of Giants. Steve

"Lundborg: Which digital tools have you found most useful?

Follett: I’m enjoying my iPad. But the program that’s made the most difference to me as a writer is Google Earth.

You can remind yourself so easily of places. When I was writing the scenes of storming the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, I could get the whole street layout, where the trees are, where the river is."


"Lundborg: The novel begins as Billy Williams goes down into the Welsh mining pit on his 13th birthday, which is unimaginable to us now. How did people justify that?"


"Lundborg: What part of writing do you enjoy most now?

Follett: Outlining is the most fun because you can do anything and it doesn’t cost you. You can change a character from male to female, which is something I quite often do, without rewriting anything."