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Monday, April 21, 2008

My Real Age - 15 minute survey of your habits

By the Dr. Oz team. My age: chrono: 56 bio 53.
En Français: Quel age avez-vous réellement (15 min)? Chrono: 56 bio:47!

  1. The RealAge Test -- An overall health assessment with calculation and unlimited updates
  2. Personalized RealAge Plan -- A detailed Age Reduction plan to help you feel years younger
  3. RealAge Tip of the Day -- Daily science-based health tips on nutrition, fitness, supplements, weight loss, and more!
  4. 40+ Health Assessments -- Personalized, interactive health assessments to help you lower your risk of disease and help you manage current conditions

My results:

  1. Learn how these benefits make your RealAge younger!

    Good sleep levels
    Positive attitude
    Limited or no secondhand smoke exposure
    Parents relationship
    Medication use
    Happy marriage
    Correct fruit servings
    Healthy resting heart rate
    Potassium levels
    Folic acid intake
    Daily vitamin
    No drinking and driving
    Good genes
    Good oral hygiene
    Safety belt or airbag usage
    Low red meat intake
    Daily breakfast
    Diverse diet
    Vitamin C intake

  2. Learn how to stop most of these costs from making your RealAge older!

    Low vegetable intake
    Low unsaturated fat
    Lack of flexibility exercises
    Workout schedule
    Flossing habits
    Low grain intake
    Low omega-3 intake
    High BMI
    Driving speeds
    Vehicle size
    Aspirin use
    Blood pressure control
    Calcium intake
    Vitamin E intake
    Have cholesterol level measured
    Social network and stress
    Strength training level