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Sunday, September 07, 2008

The electric car - Finally after 100 years, the end of the rechargeable battery as we know it

A "street legal" electric car?
In April 2008 ZENN Motor Company announced a highway speed vehicle for 2009 using EEStor's capacitors which will achieve 80 mph (130 km/h) speeds, 250 mile (400 km) range and charge in 5 minutes[16] CityZENN target price is around $25000 - $30000. [17 audio interview with Zenn]

The Ultracapacitor is the new player in this game. It's inventor claims it will "Replace current battery technology". I believe it, I'm keeping an eye on this one EEStor. This is so good, it will probably not go public. If it does, it could be the Google of the environmental age. Power storage is the problem of this age.

  1. What is an Ultracapacitor?
    For years capacitors have been used for storing small amounts of electricity in electronic circuits. Now they promise to store vast amounts of energy without the problems associated with batteries. They can be recharged millions of times, over and over in seconds, they suffer no aging effects and are relatively light.
  2. The car:
    value, cost and markups of ZENN conversion kits
  3. The improvement:
    The company expects its ceramic ultracapacitor, which it said uses no hazardous materials, to have a charging time of 3 to 6 minutes, with a discharge rate of only 0.02 percent over 30 days. EEStor said that compares to more than 3 hours to charge a lithium-ion battery and a discharge rate of 1 percent over 30 days.
  4. Can I make money on this technology?
    Only by buying Zenn ZNNMF stock; who owns exclusive rights for the automotive market. Rights to other markets have been awarded to larger less "technology sensitive" firm.
    stock chart
  5. Follow the money; who is buying their stock?
  6. Another milestone for EEStor. Certified crystalisation process.{AB6D95CC-0C6B-4734-83CB-990B4451270C}&dist=hppr
  7. What is barrium titanate?
    dielectric constants table 1250
  8. How are they made?
    Why now? What has changed?
  9. Competitors
    Nanowire battery from Stanford University
    Maxwell Technologies

Fabulously disruptive technologies in 2008