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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Training needs tracking server

Collection of ideas supporting how trainers can tailor courses to the needs of industry. I believe we should research connecting deficiency lists in companies directly with our offereings. A website listing a deficiencies "wish list" would be an excellent source of training leads.

  1. Major player Sigal software
  2. potential freeform tool a wiki
  3. project collaboration tool
  4. innovations creators ...
    I QUOTE: " if our parents used visicalc and Lotus 123 what will th generation of 2006 use...
    Here’s what this new generation of knowledge workers uses to get their work done:

    Blogs With 10 minutes of effort a day, they use blogs (which are web pages that are easy to edit) to reach a massive audience. They can develop a worldwide reputation as an expert in their field. These MBAs don’t blog about parties or their dog. They blog business topics like marketing or financial derivatives. Even with traffic of only 5 to 10 people a day, that quickly translates into over 1,000 people who know who they are, and respect their knowledge and opinions.

    Wikis If you are working on an MBA and you do not leverage Wikipedia to do your research, you should. Some schools have started to set up course related Wikis as a medium for students to share information, answers, and ultimately develop a deeper understanding. Wikis are a collection of web pages that are just as easy to edit as blogs. Wikis are organized by topic like an encyclopedia, and are designed to help large teams share information.

    Social Networks At school, many of today’s grads are part of Facebook, which is part blog, part social networking tool. The grads know that Facebook will be an invaluable tool for keeping connected with their fellow alumni over the years. In the business world, they will join a similar social network called LinkedIn.

    Project Coordination They all have different schedules and different classes. Yet they have no trouble working together. It isn’t rocket science. They use online project management tools such as or


When the MBA class of 2006 shows up for work, here’s what they’ll expect to find, because this is the list of tools they are already using:

  1. Components of Web Office
  2. Description of Current Tools
  3. Web Based Enterprise Email
  4. Zimbra is a perfect example - think gMail on steroids. Click on a name and you get the person’s contact information. It does the same for dates in your calendar.
  5. Enterprise Blogs
    The recipe here is simple. People pages, project blogs, client blogs, product blogs. Sixapart and WordPress are both options.
  6. Enterprise Wiki
    Google and Yahoo! make great use of enterprise Wikis. SocialText and JotSpot are among several enterprise class vendors.
  7. Social Network Tool Integration
    LinkedIn shows you how your friends can introduce you to people in high places. Companies will want to verify who belongs to their LinkedIn group using an enterprise gateway.
  8. Web 2.0 Project Management
    The best example is 37 Signal’s Its power is its simplicity. Share editable to-do lists on a web page. Voting and Tagging Tools Think Enterprise Digg. People can vote on good ideas. If 100 people in the company like your idea, the CEO has to pay attention.
  9. Tagging, like will also help organize content.
  10. Enterprise Podcasting
    Podcasting is a method of delivering multimedia such as audio and video. Web Office is not just about words.
  11. Web Based Integrated Feed Readers
    In a large company, with potentially hundreds of blogs, feed readers will be critical tools for managers. See
  12. Widget / Badging Platform
    Widgets and AJAX badges give non-technical users the power to drop highly interactive tools into their blog posts Wiki articles. See the Appendix for more details.
  13. Enterprise Search
    Today, internal enterprise search does not work well because it is hard to rank order information. Hyperlinks through out Web Office will fix that. For ideas, check out
  14. IM based Presence Information
    Hover over a person’s name and you can see if that person is online and available for an immediate dialog.
  15. Integrated IP Telephony
    Step 1, turn you conference calls into internal podcasts. Step 2, use to convert those podcasts into searchable text. Or apply Podzinger to voicemail.