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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Prueba de vocabulario - Vocabulary test

I like these first tests because they provide lists of words you did not know, as well as lists of fake words you thought you knew...

Español prueba de vocabulario 

FAQ Prueba de vocabulario 
En lo que respecta a hablantes de español como segunda lengua, nuestras estimaciones varían entre 6.000 palabras (10%) para hablantes con un dominio medio y 20.000 (33%) para hablantes con un dominio alto del idioma.

English Vocabulary Test 1

English Vocabulary Test 2

  • Test Your Vocabulary Click the checkboxes next to words you know. There are fake words so be sure of your choices. 
Most native English adult speakers who have taken the test fall in the range 20,000–35,000 words. Click here for a full breakdown by age (opens in new tab/window).
And for foreign learners of English, we've found that the most common vocabulary size is from2,500–9,000 words. Click here for the full distribution