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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

China surpassed US as biggest trader in the world: a world upturned!

The unimaginable (ten or more years ago) finally happened: China´s total of import and export was 3,82 bilion dollar (2,86 bilion euro). The US ended 2012 with a total of $3,81. 

The Chinese did even better when you look at import/export ratio with a trade surplus of  $231.1bn with the US closing 2012 with trade deficit of $727.9bn. This year started out even better so a good chance the difference will be even larger at the end of 2013. 

The US has dominated the post-war (no, neither Vietnam, nor Irak, but WOII :) period so this is a major upturn of world economics. It´s an amazing feat considering that the Chinese economy as a whole is so much smaller than the US. They truly are the traders of the world.

It won´t be long before China will start using its considerable influence on the world economy to achieve its political goals. So far the Chinese have ´played dumb´ by not bullying the world but entering into strategic agreements and avoiding saber rattling.

How to conquer the world: ´it´s the economy, stupid!´ seems to be leading principle. Why spend billions on aircraft carriers when a smart deal with African countries guarantees a steady flow of raw materials. And if needs be, a very silent submarine can create havoc around the huge battle formations employed by the US by just turning up in the middle of the flotilla. 

How long before China starts using its economic power directly in achieving its political goals or did we already pass that turning point?
Thank you Max Huijgen - Google+