- Reading for the mind: thelongtail.com
- Words that are loosing their meaning on the Internet thirteen-words
So here are five words that I would suggest are usually meaningless in a world where the populations we're talking about are limitless in size and diversity and doubling overnight (just add the word "blogs" after any of them and you'll see what I mean):
And here are eight more words that are not quite meaningless but tend to obscure more than they reveal:
"Majority" (Is this really measurable?)
"Minority" (ditto)
"Many" (What does that mean?)
"Few" (ditto)
"Leading" (In what domain? When? To whom?)
"Top" (ditto)
Almost any declarative about a class, such as "is" or "are" (as in "open source software is..." or "Wikipedia editors are...")
Implicit ratios such as "Virtually all..." or "Practically no..." - How the new FREE product economy works: longtail.com/the_long_tail/2008/07/the-timemoney-f
- Definition of the long tail: Once created, information stays forever on the Internet. This makes it harder and harder to get peoples' attention with new information.
A Longer (and cheaper!) Tail - The Long Tail of Baby Names
When was your name popular? - How long will the Wall Street Journal keep its pay model?
- Steps Of Mega Adsense Earner