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Thursday, August 07, 2008

News around the Internet

  1. Better light than the LED. Try Plasma!
    LED future...
  2. Harnessing the power of waves
    RE: Google opens Knol website, a wiki with bylines
    Knol is really something which is needed, as Wikipedia's review police sometimes do not understand an article's content and meaning, and frankly make mistakes in their judgments (we are all human!).
  4. New suffixes for website names:
    So, for example, instead of being restricted to sites ending in .com or .org., eBay could have a site that ends in .ebay, or New York City could end its website address with .nyc.
    The new naming process will begin in 2009. The first suffixes will probably be given to businesses and other major organizations. Countries are expected to keep their specific suffixes, but, as in the example above, cities could also get individualized URLs, such as .london or .chicago.
  5. Australia inventors of 640Gb network chip. 100 times faster than our current service!