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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Migration theories

  1. Models_of_migration_to_the_New_World

  2. Early_human_migrations based on Mitochondrial analysis

    Mammoth Trumpet Archive

  3. Clovis_culture

  4. Art of the Ainu of northern Japan
    Ainu background
    Ainu-English word list
    Ainu language origin hypotheses
    Ainu genetics wiki

  5. North Western Canada Art sample

  6. Ainu-Inuit-Basque language connection theory
  7. Ainu - Inuit vocal games
    The existence of vocal games in the 19th century in Alaska is attested by an explorer's report. It could still be found some 20 years ago in Japan, among the Ainu, under the name rekkukara. It was still being practiced in 1991 among the Tchukchi of East Siberia. The vocal games of Canada thus constitute evidence that the Inuit belong to a circumpolar cultural and musical civilisation which reaches far beyond the present borders of this country.
  8. General background (lecture notes only):
    Index to Human Migration
    Progress of language

    The height of the Ice Age came about 16,000 bce. and was followed by rapid deglaciation which created enormous changes in air-circulation over large parts of the world. Hardest hit was North Africa where a dense population, spread over many independent tribes, had developed since about 38,000 bce The effect of this global weather change caused serious desertification that started to be felt around 10,000 bce. (See Climate). The tribes occupying the Central Sahara had to adapt to ever increasing drought conditions. It is now obvious that the Sahara had been the location of the first true civilization on earth. It had a highly developed religion based on holy respect for the wondrous reproductive and nursing capabilities of the human female, a fully evolved language, a democratically organized and disciplined system of tribal groups, a strong oral tradition and a number of sciences such as astronomy, mathematics, architecture, agriculture, irrigation technology, leather tanning, boat building, sailing and star navigation. For thousands of years the tribes living along the shores, later called the "Sea Peoples", had been sailing and fishing on the oceans. Surplus population had been sent to colonize the lands of Europe that had been vacated by the glaciers. However, the forced exodus, which started after 6,000 bce.., meant that all tribes had to move away from the most affected areas in the center. These were being ferried by the "Sea Peoples" to available lands that had previously been explored by them around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. They of course brought their religion, language and oral traditions along with them. The language was astonishingly complex and all encompassing for such an early Stone Aged people. In fact, it seems highly unlikely that this amazing Saharan language was formed naturally from the basic onomatopoeic language, which is embedded in it. Like the complex astronomical and mathematical knowledge of these people, their language was so well-organized and logical that it must have been the product of highly qualified linguists, even at that very early date. For details about this language invention, see "Translating Ogam". Therefore, Nyland has called the Saharan language the first highly evolved and invented language on earth.