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Monday, December 03, 2007

Develop your brain - Individualized Instruction - Auto-formation

Office de la langue française divertissant

  1. several articles regarding new discoveries regarding the brain
  2. short-term-memory (video)

On defining intelligence for teachers and students
Useful Metaphor / Corollary for teaching:

  1. The intelligent mind searches it's memories not with a candle but with a laser beam.
    -Make memories easy to find in the dark.
  2. Actions by intelligent people support self professed objectives.
    -Motivate by connecting new actions to self professed objectives.
  3. Intelligence is not a matter of neuron speed, but of neurotransmitter intensity.
    -Attention is the key to learning.

"The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open."
(Frank Zappa)

Personal development:

  1. landmark education worth reading? In 2006 revenue reached $86 million.
    not worth buying?